Enquire for discounted services from David & Son Career Services to discuss further about your CV and Job Interview Training.

Estimated lead time: 1 day
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💬 Introduction of Company

With 20+ years of combined HR + training + entrepreneur experience, David is dedicated to helping job-seekers / students in their career quests. Whether you are seeking CV edit, job interview training, occupational change advisory or even a career seminar, David is ready to offer practical tips & value-adding solutions.
Simply grab him for a free exploratory chat.

⭐ Their offer —

  • CV Editing & Job Interview Training
  • Career Coaching
  • Career Education & Seminar
  • 20% off on various career coaching / education services

Past projects / Case studies

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Enquire for discounted career coaching services

Please kindly email us at volunteers@timeauction.org and we will connect you with the service provider to learn more.